The Jubilee exposition, the longest in recent history, lasted 72 days from august 12 to october 22 and had the same characteristics of the Jubilee pilgrimage. As a matter of fact, the visit route, if compared to the one in 1998, was enriched with areas that invited meditation, a penitentiary for the sacrament of Reconciliation and the chapel of Eucharistic worship.
The visitors were more than one million with a considerable percentage of foreigners. In fact, more than 110,000 came from abroad not counting the great deal of foreign youths travelling through Turin to the XV World Youth Day in Rome.
Telematics established itself as a very useful tool to plan the visits and give all the needed information about the event. Even if reservations were mainly made by telephone (610,000, 59% of the total), 208,000 were made online (20% of the total to be compared to the 9% in 1998) and the official web site pages have been read, have answered many questions and given information to millions of people.
Once again, the volunteers committment has been very precious. They were 3,225 and available 93,512 hours in total working as security staff, accompanying the elders and disabled, reading prayers and welcoming the pilgrims.